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Главная » Файлы » Библиотека радиолюбителя » Радиотехнические книги » Ham Radio For Dummies, 4-th Edition

Ham Radio For Dummies, 4-th Edition

Ham Radio For Dummies

Ham Radio For Dummies, 4th Edition, is meant to get you started in ham radio and answer some of your many questions. If you’ve just become interested in ham radio, you’ll find plenty of information here on what the hobby is all about. I will explain how to go about joining the fun by discovering the basics and getting a license. Many resources on ham radio’s technical and operating specialties are available, but this book introduces them briefly so you can get up to speed as quickly as possible. It is true that a ham radio license is really a license to learn! Despite its old-school reputation, amateur radio is on the rise, and the airwaves are busier than ever. That’s no surprise: being a ham is a lot of fun, providing an independent way to keep in touch with friends, family, and new acquaintances around the world?and even beyond with its ability to connect with the International Space Station! Hams are also good in a crisis, keeping communications alive and crackling during extreme weather events and loss of communications until regular systems like cell phones and the internet are restored. Additionally, it’s enjoyable for good, old-fashioned tech geek reasons?fiddling with circuits and bouncing signals off the ionosphere just happens to give a lot of us a buzz!

If one or more of these benefits is of interest to you, then good news: the new edition of Ham Radio For Dummies covers them all! In his signature friendly style, longtime ham Ward Silver (Call Sign N?AX)?contributing editor with the American Radio Relay League?patches you in on everything from getting the right equipment and building your station (it doesn’t have to be expensive) to the intricacies of Morse code and Ohm’s law. In addition, he coaches you on how to prepare for the FCC-mandated licensing exam and tunes you up for ultimate glory in the ham radio hall of fame as a Radiosport competitor!

With this book, you’ll learn to:

- Set up and organize your station
- Communicate with people around the world
- Prep for and pass the FCC exam
- Tune into the latest tech, such as digital mode operating
- Whether you’re looking to join a public service club or want the latest tips on the cutting edge of ham technology, this is the perfect reference for newbies and experts alike?and will keep you happily hamming it up for years!

Название: Ham Radio For Dummies, 4-th Edition
Год: 2021
Автор: H. Ward Silver
Издательство: Wiley
Язык: English
Формат: true pdf
качество: оригинал
Страниц: 631
Размер: 31.8 mb

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